CSS Selector

Pseudo Selector & State

We can also target pseduo selector / element in your class name by using flags(-- or --shorFlag) e.g --hover or --h. For an example:-

<div class="bgc-cccccc --hover-bgc-yellow"> Hi! I will change background color on hover</div>
<div class="bgc-cccccc --h-bgc-yellow"> Hi! I will also change background color on hover</div>

Here by using --hover flag ( can be used -h shorthand flag) we are telling to use it in :hover state


flagsshort-flagcorresponding css selector
--active--a or --ac:active
--focus--f or --fo:focus
--hover--h or --ho:hover
--link--ln or -l:link
--visited--vi or- -v:visited


--hover-display-flex--h-df:hover{display: flex ;}
--nth-child-2n-margin-left20px--nc-2n-ml20px:nth-child(2n){margin-left:20px ;}

Element Selector

Similary , we can also select or target the element by using '_' at the begining of class name . eg:-

<div class="_h3-c-white _p-fs-14px" >
   <h3>Hello World</h3>
   <p> Welcome to AliasCSS </p>

AliasCSS will compile above classnames as below:-

._h3-c-white h3{
   color:white ;
._p-fs1-4px p{
   font-size:14px ;

Selector Guide Table

Aliascss Classsnamecompiled
_div-df._div-df div{..}
__div-df.__div-df > div{..}
___div-df.___div-df + div{..}
____div-df.____div-df ~ div{..}
_all-c-red._all-c-red *{..}
_child_div-df._child_div-df > div{..}
_next_div-df._next_div-df + div{..}
_siblings_div-df._siblings_div-df ~ div{..}