Targeting Screen or Devices

To target Device , we can simply add device prefix at the very begening of classname. for eg:-

<p class="xs-dn">This will not show in smmaler device</p>

or using semantic classname

<p class="xs-display-none">This will not show in smaller devices</p>

Media | Responsive | device

Device Guide Table

AliasCSS Device PrefixCSS Selector
print@media print
xs@media (max-width : 576px)
sm@media (min-width : 576px)
md@media (min-width : 768px)
lg@media (min-width : 992px)
xl@media (min-width : 1200px)
xxl@media (min-width : 1408px)
-xs@media (min-width : 576px)
-sm@media (max-width : 576px)
-md@media (max-width : 768px)
-lg@media (max-width : 992px)
-xl@media (max-width : 1200px)
-xxl@media (max-width : 1408px)
Want to customize Responsive prefix declaration Customize media prefix

Any of the above prefix can be used, these prefix must be the at the begining of the classnames. Few examples:-


<div class="xs-flex-direction-column">...</div>
<!--using shorthand !-->
<div class="xs-fdc">...</div>


@media (max-width : 576px) {
            flex-direction: column ;


<div class="xs_p-flex-direction-column">...</div>
<!-- using shorthand  -->
<div class="xs_p-fdc">...</div>


@media (max-width : 576px) { 
    .xs_p-flex-direction-column p{
        flex-direction: column ;


<div class="md-width500px">...</div>
<!-- using shorthand -->
 <div class="md-w500p">...</div>


@media (min-width : 768px){
         width:500px ;