Basic : How to Use AliasCSS

If you know CSS , then you already know AliasCSS. AliasCSS uses class attribute of element for styling. Its allow you to style you webpage without leaving the page your are working on. It allows you to apply css property and value in the form of class name. And you can use aliascss along with your custom css or css frameworks like bootstrap.

Lets take an Example
Lets say , you want h1 element to have color blue and font-size 3rem. we simply write class names to tell aliascss what property and value we want to apply using the class attribute of h1 tag as given below.

    <h1 class="color-blue font-size-3rem">Hello, World</h1>

Tips: To make classname out of the basic CSS property and value , simply replace : with -, for example color:blue => color-blue, display:inline-block=> display-inline-block, width:100px => width-100px, left:-100px =>left--100px.

Here, we are applying style with class name, these class name also hold the property and value we want to apply. In short we are making class name out of css property and value we want to apply. i.e

    color:blue  => color-blue is a valid aliascss class name

Similarly we can also use short hand , we can replace color by c and fs for font-size, to make it short hand.

    <h1 class="c-blue fs-3rem">Hello, World</h1>

Both classnames(full-semantic classname and shorthand className) in the above example are doing exactly same thing and have same style applied.


Tips: To make shorthand , if css property and value both are string ( such as : display:flex, font-weight:bold, justify-content:space-between), we simply make class name using first letter of property followed by first letter after every - in property then followed by first letter of value, followed by first letter after every - in value if there is any. for example display:inline-grid=>dig, font-weight:bold=>fwb,justify-content:space-between=>jcsb.

  • If CSS value is numberic, length , color or more complex , normally we only use shorthand for property and leave value as it is. for example:margin:100px=>m100px||m-100px,color:red=>c-red, border:1px solid #cccccc=>b1px-solid-cccccc. `.

Note, using -- before length or numeric based value with make value negative.

margin-100px or m-100px => margin:100px
margin--100px or m--100px=>margin:-100px
margin-100px-100px-100px-100px or m-100px-100px-100px-100px => margin: 100px 100px 100px 100px
margin-100px--100px-100px--100px or m-100px--100px-100px--100px => margin: 100px -100px 100px -100px
box-shadow-1px--1px-2px-3px-red or bxs-1px--1px-2px-3px-red  => box-shadow:1px -1px 2px 3px red
box-shadow--1px-0px-2px-ebebeb or bxs--1px-0px-2px-ebebeb => box-shadow:-1px 0px 2px #ebebeb
font-size-16px or fs-16px => font-size:16px
font-size--24px or fs--24px => font-size:-24px // Be carefull

Here are other example class name definition.

display:flexdisplay-flex df or d-f
list-style:nonelist-style-none lsn or ls-n
margin-left:-32pxmargin-left--32px ml--32px
background-color:skyBluebackground-color-skyBlue bgc-skyBlue

You can also target state like hover, focus etc , use css variable , target children and classname. There is more you can do with aliasccs , first you need to understand how to write basic aliascss valid class names.

Basic Rules to create class name out of CSS property and value

  • Every AliasCSS class name have single property but can have one or more values. margin1px20px =>margin:10px 20px.
  • Every Valid Aliascss class name has its corresponding shorthand or alias. display-flex and df are exactly same. You can use both at same time.
  • If property and value both are string then simply replace : with '-'. In some value of CSS properties , for example background-position: right bottom, there are value that are string and has by space between, those space also should be replaced by -.
display:flex=> display-flex or d-f or df or display-f or d-flex
background-position: right bottom => background-position-right-bottom or background-position-rb or bgp-right-bottom or bgprb or bgp-rb
animation-timing-function: ease-in-out => animation-timing-function-ease-in-out or atf-eio or atfeio