Make reusable classname by grouping valid AliasCSS Classnames
AliasCSS provides custom attribute 'class-[name]' to group valid aliasCSS classnames.
<div class="container" class-container="df bgc--main-color oh w100p h100p pa t0 l0 df aic acc jcc zi-100000" >
In the example, we grouped Classnames with attribute 'class-container', where conatiner is a new class we are creating by group other valid aliascss classNames. Only the valid aliasCSS classnames will be grouped. Once we have define classname by grouping valid AliasCSS classnames , we can use it anywhere throught the webpage.
group with selector
we can also group classname for cssselector only by inserting aliascss selector followed by className inside []
<div class="error" class-error="color-error500" class-error[--after]="bgc-error100 c-error700 b1px-s-error700" >