Quick Compiler
Note input classname/s seperated by space.
[Here you can view Compiled ACSS className]
What is AliasCSS?
AliasCSS is a css post-processor/compiler which alllows us to apply css property and value directly in html element using class attribute, without CSS declaration. With aliascss we can style webpages using class attribute with post-define classname, for example
<h1 class="color-red font-size12px display-inline-block"> Hello world</h1>
OR Using shorthand
<h1 class="c-red fs12px dib"> Hello world</h1>
Here we have defined the color, font size, display properties for h1 element using post defined class names, which Aliascss will compiles to corresponding CSS declaration in the stylesheet. Normally, every aliascss classname hold single propery and value for it. Goto Documentation to know more.